CrossFit Basics & Fundamentals

This is our intro level class where we teach you the basic movements of CrossFit as well as begin to condition you with our style of training.  Over the course of 5-6 days CrossFit Fundamental classes we will take you through all the essential movements and progressively add to the intensity of the workouts so you are prepared to safely participate in one of our regular CrossFit classes.   All 6 classes must be completed before you are able to go into the regular CrossFit classes.

Please call and set an appointment to start your Fundamental Classes.

CrossFit Test Out

If you have been previously doing Crossfit at another box or some other training regiment and feel your are ready for regular classes, we will run you through a quick breakdown of the basics and certain movements and the trainer will determine at that time if you are ready for regular classes.


9 thoughts on “Getting Started

  1. If you are pretty small and not strong at all but are wanting to get into shape, can you still do crossfit?

    1. Leah, our next foundations class starts this week. First day will be Tuesday at 6:30pm. This week is accelerated due to Labor Day. You must get all 4 days in in order to advance into regular classes.

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